Aftercare Instructions
Day of Treatment
You may be red, peel or flake for 24-48 hours
Use Chill Beauty Toner to soothe as needed
Do not use makeup before or after treatment
Avoid sun exposure
Sweat may irritate the skin, so do not exercise/sauna/etc the day of treatment
Do not wash your face until the next day
Day After Treatment
Heal • Soothe • Protect
Use the Jewel in the Lotus trifecta as needed for calming the skin and enhancing results:
✨ Chill Beauty Toner✨
✨ Beauty Oil✨
✨ GLOW face balm ✨Apply sunscreen daily
Avoid direct and extended sunlight
48 Hours After, and Beyond
Rebuild • Regenerate • Maintain
Use the Jewel in the Lotus trifecta as part of a daily ritual for rejuvenating the skin:
✨ Chill Beauty Toner✨
✨ Beauty Oil✨
✨ GLOW face balm ✨If your skin is dry or flaking, gently exfoliate with a warm washcloth and your favorite face oil
Return for sessions 1x month, for 3-6 months.